Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Carol's Daughter Announces Three New Brand Ambassadors

Carol's Daughter has picked not one, but three women to represent its brand in a new ad campaign. Selita Ebanks, Solange Knowles and Cassie are the women chosen to star in the multiracial campaign.

Many might not know it, but each woman featured has more than one ethnicity in her heritage—Selita is Caymanian, Cassie has a Filipino father and Solange is half Creole. Carol's Daughter founder Lisa Price says:
"We want to be the first beauty brand that truly captures the beauty of the tapestry of skin types in America. When I say polyethnic, I mean women who are made up of several ethnicities. If you ask them what they are, they’re going to use a lot of different words to describe themselves. That’s in line with the Census data coming out — people are checking much more than two boxes. We believe we’ve put together a shoot that celebrates many different ethnicities, to become a mirror of what America’s really becoming."
The new ads are set to be released in June. We can't wait to see them!

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