Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Happy 1 Year Anniversary to "The Kidz Jump Blog"

June 7, 2010

A Style Blog was born.

It's been a very interesting year blogging for you guys. I have had the time of my life, through comments, likes, reads and ratings. I can truly feel the spirit of each of you when you read my post. If you visit this site you have a vested interest in not only fashion, but STYLE. It amazes me how many people don't understand the difference between, style and in-fashions (but that's a different post, for a different day!).

Anyway, over the year I've launched a couple of different of elements on the site in order to branch my audience out further. With the help and opinion of many of you, I've started a pretty successful Youtube channel, a long with other key elements in which you can find clicking all around the site.

Once again thank you for your readership and your loyalties, I hope it's another year that I can keep you and you can keep me. #STYLEfamily

- J.Carter

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