Monday, August 1, 2011

Big Sean Talks Men's Fashion + Kanye as a Style Influence

Your mentor, Kanye West, is undoubtedly one of the most fashionable men in music. What have you learned from Kanye style-wise?
BS: I’ve learned that whatever you want to do is cool. I think that’s probably the biggest thing that I’ve learned from him about fashion. You always have to remember that you’re an icon and whatever you do is going to be remembered. Can your look be immortalized? Jimmy Hendrix’s boots are in a museum; what will I have to put in a museum?
What effect do you think Kanye's bold fashion choices have made on hip-hop. Have they raised the bar for rappers?
BS: I think Kanye brought a whole new style to the game, and he made it cool to be yourself. You don’t have to wear big-ass throwback jerseys all the time. You can wear polos. I think he opened up the gates and was like, “Yo, man, it’s cool that you want to dress like this.”
If you could snag anything from Ye's closet what would it be?

BS: Probably the whole closet. There’s so much sh*t in there that it’s really hard to pick just one thing. He has hella, hella, super-crazy, ridiculous amount of clothes.
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