Thursday, September 8, 2011

Watches :: Nooka

Have you ever came across something you've seen numerous times and never really paid it much attention, but when you finally stopped to actually look at it you automatically feel in love? Well that's the story of Nooka and I.

I first encountered Nooka was on the Karmaloop website, when I was looking for a watch to buy my at the time boyfriend for his birthday. I saw the watch but didn't really pay it much attention because it wasn't what I was really looking for. My next encounter was when I saw my editor at Chic Republic with one at one of our meetings. Due to another person commenting on it I decided to check it out for myself. OMG this watch had to be the coolest thing EVER!
The way this watch tells you the time is mad creative and unique. Instead of numbers and dashes they use bars or circles that shade in for every hour and minute. I thought this had to be the coolest thing ever and instantly feel in love.

Since I loved their watches so much I decided to do research on the brand as a whole and I love every aspect of Nooka. Their designs are innovative and unique. I have not seen many other designs like Nooka and I think that's what made me fall in love even more. The only problem with Nooka is that due to my college student budget most of their items are not in my price range. I mean I can afford them but I would have to be on some High Class Low Life ish and skip buying groceries! Which is something I have no problem doing but thanks to my High Class Low Life resources I dont have to!


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