Friday, July 20, 2012

Fashion People Freak Out Over Bad Weather - Summer Storm Edition

As many you guys can tell by the number of Celine bags, I blog about or Tweet and Re-Tweet about, I am totally in love with CELINE BAGS. My obsession began over at Hermes, with the Birkin bags, but now I have morphed into a complete Celine Bag fanatic! I only wish they came in as many colors as the Birkin bags.

Birkin's colors are compared to FORD Motor Company's car color scheme, while Celine bags keep it more upscale in the monotone muted tones of a classier vehicle like a Mercedes. You would never paint a Mercedes orange, but it'd be a sight to see.

ANYWAY all that to say, there was a horrible rain situation in New York this past week, and the fashion world FREAKED! Check out my favorite reaction-models Selita Ebanks and Chrissy Teigen's freak out over Chrissy's Celine handbag getting wet.

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