Wednesday, July 4, 2012

"Opening Door" - Black In America [ART]

A couple of months back, via twitter, I met a young artist out f New York and was immediately fascinated with his work. With the hashtags, #BlackInAmerica #BlackExcellence and #NewElite plaguing the twittersphere, I had no choice but to dig deeper to uncover who this artist was, and what his pieces where about.

I want you all to meet, Anthony Thomas, known as @TheBedStuyDandy on twitter. He's the merging artist who has created the artwork that you will see later in this post.

Excerpt from the Artist:

A journey is not documented by accolades but moments like these. The only thing standing between now and then is this, as I am growing towards an appreciation of artistic brilliance and the becoming of the modest genius. Knowing what happens to the idle mind currently has me running from fears and more towards an understanding of the world I am in.  
"Opening Door" is a glimpse of the #AfricaInAmerica art project set for official debut mid-July. As the work is but a mere statement of what I really plan to say, this is a start. Time has shown me what lies in practice, so I want to show you.  
The official #AfricaInAmerica show will take place during the third week of July in the Greenpoint/Bedford-Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn. (July 19-21) The exhibition will be a three-day engagement including spoken word, theater and live music. Thank you!

I normally don't do many ART post, but when something is as moving and compelling as the work of an independent artist, I can't hold it to myself, I have to share it with me readers. So I hope you guys enjoyed "Opening Door" - Black In America, as much as I did.

For more follow @TheBedStuyDandy via Twitter.

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