Sunday, February 24, 2013

Velvet Slippers | TRENDS BRO

You know what’s cool about laces? Nothing. Trick question. It’s all about the velvet slipper.

The vizzy slizzy. From Stubbs & Wooten, to Del Toro Shoes, to Jimmy Choo. Elegant “screw-you” joints to go with your Brioni pajamas that get no use because you #never #sleep. Haircalf camo beasties for combating herbs in derbies. These ones say “New York” even though you spend your winters in Buenos Aires. The Argentines know them some slippers.

Vizzy slizzies. Do we wear ‘em ’cause we’re fly? Or are they fly ’cause we wear ‘em? Chicken and the egg.


article via The Crosby Press

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