Monday, March 25, 2013

And The Most Dangerous Primping Procedure Is...

(Photo by ImaxTree)
You know that ol' saying "beauty is pain"? Well, it didn't come around for nothing. Anyone who spends at least five minutes getting ready in the morning — and if even my begrudging middle-school brother does this, I know everyone else does — knows this.

We wax — the most, uh, delicate of parts — shave, pluck, wrap our appendages (okay, hair) around sizzling 400-degree could-be torture devices (okay, curling irons), yeah, we sacrifice a lot in the name of beauty. But have you ever wondered how much?

Well, the folks over at MyVoucherCodes, a UK-based discount code and coupon site, did, so they polled 2,000 women to find out what the most common primping injuries are. The #1 biggest beauty blunder was (drumroll, please...) shaving and waxing! 48 percent of women reported suffering some sort of shaving/waxing-related boo-boo. Are you at all surprised?

Other apparently dangerous procedures included:

Sunburn from tanning (37 percent)
Got burnt while using hot tool (33 percent)
Had an allergic reaction to a beauty product (26 percent)
Eyelash curler "accident" — eek! (14 percent)
A bad reaction to hair dye (11 percent)
Tattoo/piercing malfunction (3 percent)
Teeth whitening (1 percent)

Teeth whitening, dangerous? Who knew! Also, a whopping 28 percent of women said they've never — not once ever! — suffered any sort of injury while primping. Um, secrets, please?

article via StyleBistro

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