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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Return to YouTube + Huge Announcement!!

So yesterday, something really just possessed me to start black on my vlogging (video blogging) on YouTube. So of course I had to figure out what I wanted to wear for my first video in 6 months, and what I wanted to talk about. Well luckily the hardest part (picking out an outfit) was over within a moments notice, and I already knew what I was going to talk about.

Some of you that follow me on twitter, (@STYLEretard) or are friends with me on Facebook, have already heard the news, but for those of you who aren't and haven't here's the video of my big announcement!!


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I am an Image Consultant, it's not what I do, but rather who I am. This is a Style Blog.. point. blank. period. Follow me on Twitter.. @STYLEretard
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