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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

G.P.P.R - Spring 12' Lookbook

EXHIBITION: ALL I WANTED TO BE IS WHAT I BECAME: A social study of Civil Disobedience in the Land of the Lost and Found. This collection is an introspective look at the Rebel aspect of our namesake. The true definition of the Rebel: this season's offerings include clever detailing as well as a timeless color palette with subtle rebellious tones and textures. This milestone collection is by far our most cohesive and straightforward collection to date. All in all, an ode to to the gentlemen who know that righteousness lies outside the system; that in order to know justice and know peace, one must challenge certainty.

Brand Manifesto: G.P.P.R. Manifesto: The Gentleman, the Philosopher, the Pervert, the Rebel: all aspects of an amalgam, a single entity. These seemingly independent facets are by no means compartmentalized, as these four aspects are intertwine with one another: the chivalrous and proper Gentleman; the progressive and probing Philosopher; the indulgent and excessive Pervert; the subversive and defiant Rebel. The modern renaissance Man, a polymath of versatility, an old fashioned soul in modern times. GPPR constructs garments around this understanding, creating menswear imbued with aspects of these personalities, seeking to embody the modern Renaissance Man.

Once you finish peeping the look-book you can view the available styles within the online-store over at WiSHatl.com

article via WiSH

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